New Moon in Capricorn

From Stubborn to Roaring

🌑 A New Moon in Capricorn will be exact on January 13th 2021. This is the first New Moon of the Year.  With Pluto currently reciting in Capricorn we will feel this moment of darkness (going inwards) in our physical bodies, our life’s structure and in grand scale the systemic structure we live in. (Community, Society, Political System etc). Between the New Moon in Capricorn and the completion of this Lunar Cycle on 28 of January, Full Moon in Leo -It is All About Power.  Capricorn is the stubborn one & Leo will be the roaring one. 


🪐 Planet Uranus of abrupt chaotic change will turn direct in Taurus just right the next day on January 14th. The things you will see in the darkness will shock you. Along with Uranus planet Mars has recently joined in Taurus and will remain there until March. This is a moment for tremendous level headedness. As many astrologers put it, we need to breathe and stay calm. We need to focus and center ourselves from within. 


🎉 Good News: All major bodies are now direct until January 19th when Planet Vesta stations rx. Vesta is all about your home, steady life. Marriages and commitments might come into an explosive reversion. Look at also the housing laws and the current world situation. Advice here is to not rush into any decisions. 

On a happy note, you might just move in the house or/and relationship of your dreams and thats a wonderful thing. Congratulations!  


January 17th

Jupiter forms a challenging square to Uranus. 

This is a major event and the first of the three direct Jupiter - Uranus squares in 2021. This conjunction deserves an article analysis on its own but the basic understanding here is the following:

🌟Jupiter in Aquarius equals intense realization and need for change towards freedom and reformation.

🌟Uranus going direct in Taurus, abrupt no-choice-given change in earthly matters, particularly agriculture. In few words we will come face to face with food supply issues and realizations  that the way we cultivate/treat the Earth needs to change. 

☀January 19th:

Sun enters Aquarius. Cannot miss the illumination on what needs to shift and change. Finding a spark of hope within collective creativity. 

🪐 January 20th

Saturn semi-square Neptune. We might experience a feeling of disillusionment regarding our dreams becoming reality. 

This is a good day of strengthening:





🪐 January 21st

Follows with Saturn conjunct the North Node in Gemini of where we are faced with life changing decisions. Crossroads. As you can see there is no dull moment between now and the Full Moon at the end of the month.  

Take time to breath, exercise and rest.

Come together with supportive Community.


☀Thursday January 28th at 7pm

You are welcome to join us on our online Circle on:

Supported by La Parea Wellness

Link for registration will be up soon!


Stay Safe

Stay in Love

Stay in Unity



To all my Relations 

Sylvia-Anais 🦋

January 2021, NY

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