Pisces -The Ocean of Consciousness & New Beginnings
Humanity is on an endless cycle of awakening. We may not feel it or see it every moment but we are definitely able to observe the changes with the passing of time. Time (Saturn/Kronos) being the key word here. Wise teachers explain that: *Time exists only in relation to measuring Light & Darkness Cycles. *Time exists only in relation to physical deterioration of living and other objects. *Time is a concept we created to help us make sense of our existence.
-What is time for you and how do you experience it?
-What is humanity growing towards?
-What are we awakening to?
These are some questions to contemplate when you have a moment (no pun intended here.)
Our Journey is a process of:
Body, Soul, Mind Integration.
Body, Soul & Mind have different timing -these energies function on a different Time.
Mind is instant, non-stop & Mercurial. Body is slower, heavier, earthier Capricorn-ian and vulnerable to pain and physical deterioration. Actually human body is constantly attacked by many factors such as chemicals, microbes and climate conditions. Soul is eternal, infinite, a Shining Star Presence which has its own specifics and its a Life Journey to get to know.
Just by remembering these aspects we might realize why our Human experience can be so challenging! We are made of different Aspects and our work is to Integrate them through experiencing Time. Sounds easier said than done! You might say and i will agree with you.
In this article we will examine how Pisces Consciousness can help us in this multifaceted integration.
Pisces ♓️ is the last house of the zodiac. Pisces (the end of the cycle) assists us in our transition from this Life to the Other. Pisces is ruled by Neptune (Poseidon/Yemanja/Saraswati) the Ocean of Consciousness and primordial knowledge. The fish in it has the primordial original intelligence of being. Pisces is also the symbol of Christ the Healer.
The Cross is a symbol of Orientation-finding ones way through the Cardinal directions. Neptunian energy is directly related to finding ones way in the Ocean by looking at the Stars.
What does that mean for us?
How will we feel the Pisces-Neptunian energies?
To begin with we might feel very emotional. As an astrology guide of mine put it: “we might feel the Ocean above our heads instead of under our feet”-there is a lot of Ocean energy up the Sky. “
So the experience is already here. Notice that you might feel foggy, emotional, hard to concentrate and a bit disoriented.
♓️At this time the Pisces energy will help us Release physical and emotional traumas held in our field. It is possible that we might not know or understand what these traumas are about. We might not have recollection or memory-this is primordial, cell consciousness. This may be pre-natal (fish like baby swimming in the womb) or past life traumas.
🧬 What do we do to help us go through the process?
Sit in meditation with acceptance that you are going through something you might not understand and its OK.
Ask and allow the demanding Mercurial mind to take a sit for a moment.
Take deep breaths and connect with your body, understand that it has its own intelligence and timing. Connect and send love to where it hurts.
Ask with Love and respect to have access through the Heart to your Soul Realm. Ask to get to see and experience your infinite Soul.
Only pathway is the Path of the Heart, only true entry is the Beauty of Nature. Through the wonders and appreciation of Nature we can access the Infinite Soul Path.
The shadow of Pisces is victim consciousness, feeling attacked, helpless
and disappointed. This might actually be a reality for many of us now, as humanity is going through a wave of illness on all levels.
The higher consciousness of Pisces is limitless Compassion, acceptance, gentleness for our Human Condition.
Do not succumb to mental grasp, holding “teeth and nail” to old conditioning. Do not fall into fear and confusion of the media and misinformation.
This is the time to call the energies of Christ consciousness, the Cura (healing) the Clarity and Focus of cleansing salty waters of the Ocean.
Here are the Planetary aspects to be used as Guidance:
🪐Good News-All planets are in Direct motion. This allows for full force forward energy in unison.
On March 13th around dawn (Eastern time) we will experience a New Moon in Pisces, commencing the end of this astrological cycle and leading to the New one through
Spring Equinox (March 20th).
This New Moon aligns with Venus & Neptune and has a rear conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. We will experience the death of the old creating space for the new.
Mercury enters Pisces for an extended period starting March 15th-April 11th.
Mercury feels frustrated in Pisces with too much emotion and little action.
Spend time by a body of water, concentrate on healing rather than task making.
️Sun currently in Pisces will enter Aries on March 20th. Is Spring and we want to play!
Venus joins in Aries on March 21st. We want to play in Love
finding childlike wonder and put worries aside for a moment.
🪐Pluto Q (quintile) Chiron on March 23rd. Finally those wounds and traumas we spoke about earlier, are out, just like that. Could of been a yoga pose, a hug, time by the Ocean or a beautiful sunset. Let the old die and go!
This cycle concludes with the Full Moon in Libra ♎️ on March 28th.
Until then, find Love in every wave.
Shop La Parea Wellness Aromatherapy Mists as a product to support your wellness journey this new moon!
For Readings, Meditations & event updates you will find me here:
Thank you
Sylvia-Anais 🦋